Політика конфіденційності

1. Introduction

‍Thank you for choosing WONA by WONA! 

This Privacy Policy constitutes an integral part of the agreement between you (hereinafter – the “Customer”) and as an owner of the website  https://wonabywona.com/. All terms and definitions used in this Privacy Policy in the meaning defined by General Terms and Conditions and applicable legislation.

This Privacy Policy describes our privacy practices concerning your Personal Data. Personal Data includes any data about you that specifically identifies you as an individual and information about your activities, such as information about your use of Service, when directly linked to personally identifiable information.

You accept this Privacy Policy and consent to the collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data by this Privacy Policy and applicable legislation.

References in this Privacy Policy to “we”, “us”, “our”, and “Controller”, means WONA CONCEPT Sp. Z O.O., a legal entity incorporated and acted under the laws of the Republic of Poland, KRS No. 0000965273, legal address: ul. ALEJA KOMISJI EDUKACJI NARODOWEJ 36/112B 02-797 WARSZAWA, the Republic of Poland. 


2. Collection and Usage 

We process the personal data of several kinds of data subjects. We use the personal data you disclosed to us, or we received from other sources.  Below we provide you with a description of the personal data collection process depending on the types of data subjects. 

The first includes the Users – visitors of the Wona Website. The personal data provided by you we get during your use of our services (including, in particular, the website https://wonabywona.com/). In the case of Users, we process the minimum necessary personal data, such as Cookies and country of residence, to provide you with relevant information and the best user experience while using our Website. 

Also, in the case of Users who decide to sign up for our newsletter, we process their contact email to provide the information requested. In this case, we process your personal data based on the le

Also, we process the personal data of Buyers – persons who place the Order(s) for buying our Good(s) offered via the Website. We process the personal data of Buyers in order to take steps prior to entering into the Agreement or fulfill our contractual obligation. Also, in this case, we may process your personal data to fulfill our legal obligation (bookkeeping and tax purposes), and to pursue our legitimate interest by offering you the relevant information concerning the Good(s) you are interested in. 

Hereunder you can see the possible collection of your Personal Data and how we use it:

Personal data processed How do we use it?
Phone number Email (optional) 
Create an account Authorization on the WebsiteProviding information about the GoodsEnsuring the exchange of informationIdentification of the person in the process of providing the ServicesPreventing unauthorized access to the User’s account
Name, surnameIdentification of the person ‍Communication, choice of form of communicationFor accounting, reporting, and fulfillment of our tax obligation
Address, first name, surname, telephone number of the recipient of the GoodsWe use this data to send the purchased Goods
Country of permanent residence (country of residenceTo offer you the content of the Website considering your country of residence

In some cases, we also may process the personal data of Users and Buyers to pursue a legitimate interest. Such legitimate interest includes such purposes, as marketing, preventing risk and fraud,  providing and improving our services, reporting and analytics, user support, and other communications. Also, we also may use your Personal Data for the following purposes:

a) Processing of your inquiries and carrying out operations;
b) Analyzing and understanding our audience to improve the Service;
c) Preventing, detecting, and investigating potentially prohibited or illegal activities, including fraud;
d) Investigating violations of this Privacy Policy and/or the General Terms and Conditions or enforcing them, as well
e) as to protect our rights and interests, and
f) Sending you marketing emails with information about our Services that we consider may be of interest to you (you may opt-out of such emails by sending the respective request to us or by clicking the respective link in the email).

3. Disclosure

By general rule, we do not share your Personal Data with other companies, organizations, or individuals. By way of exception, we may share your Personal Data when we have a reasonable assumption that access, use, storage, or disclosure of the personal information is reasonably necessary to:

  • comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or legally enforceable governmental request;
  • enforce the applicable law, investigating possible violations including;
  • detect, prevent or solve a problem involving fraud, security or technical issues;
  • protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of the Controller, our Customers, or the public as required or allowed by law;
  • facilitate the use of third-party services, such as payment processing, shipping and delivery. 

If the Controller is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of any Personal Data and notify affected Customers before Personal Data is transferred or becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.

We will not share your name, email address, or other identifying information with other Customers. 

4. Third-parties services

We may share the Personal Data of our Customers with third parties for the purposes of checking Customers’ payments, traffic measurement, and/or advertising providers (hereinafter – the “Data Processor”): 

Our Service may contain links to and from third-party websites, apps, or other services (including, but not limited to, social media, payment, and shipping providers). If you use their services, please note that their websites have their own privacy practices. We shall not be liable for these respective policies and any collection, use, or disclosure of your Personal Data related thereto. Please check the third parties’ privacy policies before you submit any Personal Data to their services.

If we use third-party vendors to perform certain services on our behalf, such as hosting the site or application, analytics, or other services, such third-party vendors may collect or have access to information about you (e.g. information automatically collected through tracking technologies). Please recognise that we and/or our vendors may store this information and share this information with third parties as necessary to provide you with our services.

5. Data storage, security, and cross-border transfer

We shall use all reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure, misuse, or deletion. During Personal Data processing, we use all the necessary security features to protect your Personal Data.

We have appropriate corporate systems and procedures in place to protect and secure the personal information you share with us. We also have security procedures that set technical and physical restrictions on the use of and access to personal information on our servers.

Only we and the individuals authorised by us and directly involved in Service provision are allowed immediate access to your personal information. Such persons will strictly enforce confidentiality and prevent unauthorised third parties from accessing your personal information.

Please be aware that our website may be hosted on a server outside of your country. By providing us with your personal information, you authorise its transfer outside your country as part of the use of such personal information in accordance with the applicable law.

We emphasise that none of the existing data transfer methods can be absolutely secure. The company does not guarantee absolute data security in case of unauthorised access by third parties.

We are not responsible for illegal actions of third parties, hackers, criminals, or other violators of the applicable law who may violate the provisions of this Privacy Policy and attempt to collect, in whole or in part, your Personal Data and use it for personal purposes.

Data retention. The period of processing and storage of Personal Data is 6 (six) years after the end of the current tax year in which your last activities/end of service lifecycle, or deletion of your Personal Account occurred. This is necessary for bookkeeping purposes, as well as to comply with applicable tax/income laws, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements or other legal obligations under the legislation of the Republic of Poland. 

Your Personal Data will be stored by us in accordance with applicable data protection laws to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing set forth in this Privacy Policy. We will subsequently delete your Personal Data in accordance with our policies or take steps to appropriately ensure data anonymity unless we are required by law to retain your Personal Data for a longer period of time (e.g. for legal, tax, accounting, or auditing purposes).

6. Children’s Privacy

We do not collect, use, or share the Personal Data of children (under the age of majority as per the applicable law). To access our Service, you must be a legal adult under the applicable law and the law of the country where you are located.

7. Cookies Policy

A cookie is a small file that a website stores on your electronic device when you visit the site. First-party cookies are cookies set by the website you’re visiting. Only that website can read them. In addition, our services might use external services, which also set their own cookies, known as third-party cookies. The first time you visit our website, you will be prompted to accept or refuse cookies.

You as the User also have full control over the use of cookies. By altering the cookies settings you can disable or restrict the transfer of cookies. Cookies already stored can be deleted at any time. This can also be affected automatically. Disabling cookies for our website may mean that not all functions of the website can be used to their full extent.

The purpose is to enable the site to remember your preferences (such as user name, language, etc.) for a certain period. That way, you don’t have to re-enter them when browsing around the site during the same visit. Cookies can also be used to establish anonymized statistics about the browsing experience on our sites.

How do we use cookies? Please, find below the description of the types, and purposes of the cookies: 


The reason why technically necessary cookies are employed is to simplify the use of websites for the users. Some functions of our internet site cannot be offered without the use of cookies. It is essential for these functions that the browser is also recognised again after a page change.

Нам потрібні файли cookie для виконання наступних функцій:

  • Кошик для покупок
  • Для захисту сайту від атак
  • Позначення сесій - налаштування 

Дані користувачів, зібрані технічно необхідними файлами cookie, не використовуються для створення профілів користувачів.

Ми використовуємо аналітичні файли cookie для покращення якості нашого веб-сайту та його змісту. Аналітичні файли cookie дозволяють нам дізнатися, як використовується веб-сайт, і, таким чином, забезпечити постійне вдосконалення нашої присутності в Інтернеті. Крім того, вони дозволяють нам підтримувати гарантію якості та постійно покращувати користувацький досвід.

Also, our Website uses transient cookies. These are automatically deleted when you close your browser. These are typically so-called session cookies. These store a so-called session ID with which various queries from your browser can be assigned to a common session. It means that your computer can be recognised again when you return to our website. These cookies are deleted when you log out or close the browser.

Our Website also uses persistent cookies. These are automatically deleted after a predetermined period that can vary depending on the cookie. These cookies, too, can be deleted at any time.

Third-party cookies are set if you consent to the use of marketing cookies by organizations that are not the operators of the website the user visits. These cookies are used by marketing companies, for example:

Google Tracker

We use the following technology of Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, which is a part of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; hereinafter referred to as “Google“).

Google AdWords and Conversion Tracking

Щоб привернути увагу до наших послуг, ми розміщуємо рекламу Google Adwords і використовуємо в рамках цього відстеження конверсій Google з метою надання персоналізованої онлайн-реклами, яка враховує інтереси та місцезнаходження. Можливість анонімізації IP-адрес регулюється в Менеджері тегів Google за допомогою внутрішнього налаштування, яке не відображається у джерелі цієї сторінки. Ця внутрішня настройка налаштована таким чином, щоб досягти анонімізації IP-адреси, як того вимагає Федеральний закон про захист даних.

Рекламні оголошення показуються за пошуковими запитами на сайтах Рекламна мережа Google. Ми маємо можливість поєднувати нашу рекламу з певними пошуковими запитами. Ми можемо використовувати файли cookie для розміщення реклами на основі попередніх відвідувань користувачем нашого сайту.

Файл cookie встановлюється компанією Google, коли на комп'ютері користувача натискають на рекламне оголошення. Для отримання додаткової інформації про технологію використання файлів cookie, будь ласка, зверніться до інформації, наданої компанією Google на Статистика сайту і в Data Protection Provisions, https://support.google.com/a/topic/7556782?hl=en&ref_topic=10012113&sjid=5184739196028527344-EU
With the aid of this technology, Google and we as a customer receive information on when a user has clicked on an advert and which websites User was forwarded to. The information obtained by this is solely used for a statistical evaluation for advertising optimization purposes. We receive no information with which Users can be personally identified. The statistics made available to us by Google contain the total number of users that have clicked on our adverts, and, if applicable, whether they were forwarded to a webpage of our web content furnished with a conversion tag. We can use these statistics to track which search terms occur particularly frequently when our advert is clicked and which adverts lead the user to establish contact via the contact form.

Якщо ви не бажаєте цього, ви можете запобігти збереженню файлів cookie, необхідних для цієї технології, наприклад, за допомогою налаштувань вашого браузера. У цьому випадку ваш візит не потрапить до статистики користувачів.

Ви можете знайти більше інформації про захист даних Google тут: http://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy і https://services.google.com/sitestats/de.html

Nevertheless, we and Google continue to receive statistical information regarding how many users visited the site and when they did this. If you would not like to be included in these statistics, you can prevent this with the aid of additional programs for your browser (for example with the Add-on Ghostery).

Google AdWords and Google Analytics Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)

The Website uses Google AdWords and Google Analytics Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA). Users that visit wonabywona.com are collected via a Google tag and the behavior is recorded. You appear on the list for a standard period of 30 days and for a maximum period of 540 days.

Інформація, що генерується файлом cookie про ваше використання веб-сайту, як:

  • Browser type/version,
  • The operating system used, 
  • Referrer-URL (сайт, який ви відвідували раніше),
  • The hostname of the calling computer (IP address),
  • Час запиту до сервера 

як правило, передається на сервер Google у США і зберігається там.

The recorded behavior patterns such as, for example, the dwell time on the site, concluded or aborted shopping cart operations and direct abort of the visit (bounce) can be used to adapt the advertising to the Google search results page. 

Google Shopping Reviews

We use Google Shopping Reviews, which allows shoppers to write a review of the Website after they have placed an order. These reviews are visible to potential future customers.

Якщо покупець погодиться, будуть зібрані наступні дані:

  • Ідентифікатор замовлення
  • Адреса електронної пошти (для надсилання опитування) 
  • Shipping Country
  • Орієнтовний час доставки (час подання опитування)

Google Customer Match

We use Google Customer Match technology to create and deliver personalized advertising.
Our Website uses cookies/advertising IDs for advertising purposes. This allows us to show our advertising to Users interested in our products on partner websites, apps, and emails. Re-targeting technologies use cookies or advertising IDs and display ads based on your previous browsing activities. To opt out of this interest-based advertising, please visit the following websites:

We may share information such as technical identifiers from your registration information on our Website or CRM system with trusted advertising partners. This allows you to link your devices and/or environments and provide a user experience with the devices and environments you use. For more details on these linking capabilities, please refer to the privacy policy found on the aforementioned platforms, or to the explanations below.

Якщо ви більше не бажаєте отримувати персоналізовані рекламні матеріали, ви можете відписатися від реклами Google тут..

Facebook Custom Audiences

This Website uses Facebook Custom Audiences with the pixel function (“Facebook Pixel”) and the server-side conversion API (“API”) of Facebook Ireland Ltd. (“Facebook”). Facebook information: Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland; Board of directors: Gareth Lambe, Shane Crehan; Registered with the Companies Registration Office of the Republic of Ireland; Company number 462932. Further information on data processing by Facebook can be found at https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy. Ви можете знайти більше інформації про Facebook Ads тут: https://www.facebook.com/about/ads/

The abovepmentioned Facebook Pixel and API allows Users of the website to see interest-based advertisements (“Facebook Ads”) when they visit the social network Facebook or other Facebook-related apps and websites. This allows us to show you advertisements that are of interest to you in order to make our website more interesting for you.

Your browser automatically establishes a direct connection to the Facebook server through the Facebook Pixel included. Using the API, web events from your browser are transmitted directly to Facebook via a server connection. These events are used for the extended comparison of the integrated Facebook Pixel. The data transmitted through the Facebook Pixel and the API are used for results measurement, reporting, and the optimisation of ads. If you are registered with a Facebook service, Facebook can allocate the website visit to your account. We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected by Facebook and therefore inform you according to our level of knowledge.

Even if you are not registered with Facebook or have not logged in, there is a possibility that the provider will discover and save your IP address and other identification features. Using the Facebook Pixel and the API, we would also like to ensure that our Facebook Ads correspond to the potential interest of the users and are not annoying. Using the Facebook Pixel and the API, we can also understand the effectiveness of Facebook advertisements for statistical and market research purposes by seeing whether users have been redirected to our website after clicking on a Facebook advertisement and have interacted with our products (also called “Conversion”). 

You can object to the collection using the Facebook Pixel and the API and the use of your data to display Facebook Ads by using the opt-out mentioned below. To set which types of advertisements are shown to you within Facebook, you can call up the page set up by Facebook and follow the instructions there on the settings for usage-based advertising: https://www.facebook.com/adpreferences/ad_settings/?entry_product=account_settings_menu. Налаштування не залежать від платформи, тобто вони адаптовані для всіх пристроїв, таких як стаціонарні комп'ютери або мобільні пристрої.


Його веб-сайт використовує функції соціального обміну від провайдерів

  • Facebook (оператор: Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA)
  • Twitter (оператор: Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA)
  • Google+ (оператор: Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA)
  • Pinterest (оператор: Pinterest Inc., 635 High Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94301, USA)
  • LinkedIn (оператор: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland)

Сайт wonabywona.com не збирає дані, а збирає їх відповідна соціальна мережа, як тільки ви натискаєте на відповідну іконку на сторінці з детальною інформацією про товар. Ви можете отримати доступ до політики конфіденційності різних постачальників соціальних мереж тут:



Так звані соціальні закладки (наприклад, з Facebook, Twitter і Xing) інтегровані в наш веб-сайт. Соціальні закладки - це інтернет-закладки, за допомогою яких користувач такого сервісу може збирати посилання та повідомлення новин. Вони інтегровані на наш сайт лише як посилання на відповідні сервіси. Після натискання на інтегровану графіку ви будете перенаправлені на сайт відповідного провайдера, тобто тільки тоді інформація про користувача буде передана відповідному провайдеру. Інформацію про поводження з вашими персональними даними під час використання цих веб-сайтів можна знайти у відповідних умовах захисту даних постачальника.

PERMISSION FOR DIRECT ADVERTISING PURSUANT – art. 172 Law dated (ustawy z dnia) 16.07.2004 r. Prawo telekomunikacyjne (Dz.U. 2004 nr 171 poz. 1800).

Ми використовуємо адресу електронної пошти, отриману при купівлі товарів на нашому сайті, для прямої реклами наших та подібних товарів. Якщо ви більше не бажаєте отримувати пряму рекламу, ви можете будь-коли заперечити проти використання вашої адреси електронної пошти. З цією метою ви знайдете відповідне посилання в кожному інформаційному бюлетені.

8. Use of automated decision-making and profiling

In general, we do not use automated decision-making and profiling. We’ll keep you posted concerning any changes related. 

9. Amendments to Privacy Policy

We have the right to amend this Policy at any time, without prior notice to you. Any changes we may make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on our Website https://wonabywona.com/privacy-policy/. Where appropriate, we will notify you or seek your consent. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy.

10. Your rights

Right to information – to ask us for information about Personal Data being processed and the reasons for such processing.

Right to access – to get access to your Personal Data that is being processed, as well as to request copies of Personal Data.

Right to Rectification – to ask us to modify your Personal Data in case you believe that this Personal Data is not up to date or accurate.

Right to withdraw consent – to withdraw the previously given consent for the processing of your Personal Data for a purpose. Upon this request, we will be obliged to stop the processing of your Personal Data that was based on the consent provided earlier and, as a result, to stop the Service provided to you.

Right to object – to object to the processing of your Personal Data.

Right to object to automated processing and profiling – to object to decision-making based on automated processing.

Right to be forgotten (right to erasure) – to ask for the deletion of the data.

Right for data portability – to ask us for the transfer of your Personal Data (e.g. to transfer your data to another controller).

11. Data Protection

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer who is responsible for keeping our team updated on important requirements on data protection, conducting audits to ensure compliance therewith and addressing potential issues proactively, and interfacing with you to inform them about how your data is being used, your rights to have your Personal Data erased, measures that Controller has put in place to protect your personal information, etc.

12. Contact info

You can contact us at any time to share your views about our privacy practices or make any inquiries relating to your Personal Data (its correction, removal, or use) by sending a letter to our e-mail address:  admin@wonabywona.com

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